The Birth

In the summer of 1974, God’s Apostle of Faith attended a Christian Conference where thousands gather together to hear the word of the Lord. As she was waiting among the assembly, a woman approached her and asked if her name was Rita Felix. Her immediately response was “Yes.” The woman begins to explain by saying,” I was sent here by the Lord to give you a word,” in the distance Rita saw a large willow tree placed strategically on a hill. Her request was to go this private place, sit under the tree to hear what God has to say. As the word was being spoken, a gentle wind began to blow giving movement to the branches and the leaves. As the two women sat under this willow, the presence of the Holy Spirit became evident as a word of prophecy was spoken from the heart of the Father declaring God’s plan purpose, design and objectivity for the life of Rita. It was God’s word spoken from Isaiah 61. As Rita turned to see the direction of the wind the woman who spoke the word was gone. 

Today the second generation continues the ministry at Genesis Upper Room Church and Ministry under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Michael and Prophetess Yvonne Galletta continue to respond to the direction of the Holy Spirit in advancing the ministry.

Genesis Upper Room Church continues to disciple those who have a passion to advance in Kingdom purpose and live a Kingdom life founded on the principles of God’s eternal word; declaring salvation, healing and deliverance for humanity.

Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit at Genesis Upper Room Church, God has raised up “Timothys” and sent them into nations where His word is taking claim to the unsaved. 

Branched from Genesis Upper Room Church has come the “The Deborah Institute: Equipping God’s Women”  and “David’s Key” our incredible worship team.

Vision Statement

To release God’s prophetic voice into the Kingdom of God here on earth for the building up of the saints and to set the captives free.

Mission Statement

The mission of Genesis Upper Room Church International is

to preach the gospel to the poor,

to heal the brokenhearted,

to proclaim liberty to the captives

and the opening of the prison to those who are bound,

to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,

to mature and equip the five-fold ministry gifts,

to raise up and equip spiritual warriors, watchmen and laborers,

to support the mission field financially and prayerfully

and to obey every command and directive of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Statement of Faith

1. The Holy Bible, the written word of God, is infallible and all authoritative without error written by man under the inspiration the Holy Spirit for the sole purpose of directing man to eternal salvation.

2. God the Father is the creator of heaven and earth and everything that exists. One God infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent and eternal: And perfect in holiness, sovereignty truth in love.

3. The triune God consist of the Father, the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They coexist, are coeternal and coequal.

4. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, being God himself, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and was without sin. He became the sacrifice for the sins of humanity through His death on the cross. He rose from the grave, ministered to many and then ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of God the Father, and will return to earth in majesty, power and glory.

5. God the Holy Spirit was sent to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. To draw humanity unto Jesus and dwell within the life of a believer and enable them to walk in the faith of God with sanctification and righteousness.

6. The acknowledgement of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; wisdom, knowledge, discernment of spirits, faith, working of miracles, tongues and the interpretation of those tongues all operate through God the Holy Spirit, and are for the church today.

7. Salvation is God’s gift to mankind and can only come through the shed blood and grace of Jesus Christ the Son of God. By repentance of sin in the confession of faith, we are reconciled unto God, His spirit is born again into eternal salvation by the Holy Spirit.

8. The church is the “Body” and the “Bride of Christ”, who has been commissioned to preach the gospel to every nation, baptizing them in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; and to make disciples of them.

9. At the end of the ages and in all things fulfilled God’s plan for the return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the translation of those alive in Christ into the Presence of God for eternity.